
Bring your video games 

systems and TVs. 
Movie and snacks are included in the cost!
Invite your friends for an epic showdown of video game proportions!

Important notice:

On Saturday 19 Feb, Unashamed Youth are heading downtown to meeting with the another youth group ("The Ray") for an afternoon of skating and pizza! It's just $5 to come and a have a great afternoon with friends. Bring your skates, or just walk along the side of the canal. 
Permission forms have to be in by the 13 February. 

To see photos from last year's trip, click here!!!

Permission form (below)

What: “Tacky Prom Night” Car Rally.
When: 17 November: Drop off at CWC at 6:15, pick up at 2382 Donnelly Drive, Kemptville (look it up on google maps) at 9pm.
Special Notes: Cost = $5. Bring your digital camera and your most over-the-top prom get-up!
Dan’s cell phone (for emergencies):(613) 601 1455

Permission form is below. 

Permission form and $5 need to be handed to Dan no later than Wednesday 10 Nov 2010