Who is Dan?

I'm married to my beautiful Canadian wife, Wendy.
I have two little kids. I'm Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone Wesleyan Church, North Gower, Ontario, Canada. .

I like to play guitar, read novels and discover new music. I am a D.I.Y failure, have visited about 45 countries. I'm an English man, pretending to be Welsh, married to a Canadian who I met in the Netherlands, started dating in Tobago, proposed to in Panama and got married to in Canada (twice) and then Wales (once). I helped pull a body out of a river in Portugal, watched my wife get help up at gunpoint in Trinidad whilst living on a ship for 2 years with 200 people from 40 nations. I'm a Dad of two lovely girls, have convinced them both that Marmite is the best thing ever; I have a penchant for Vampire, fantasy or espionage novels / movies and carry a man-purse with me wherever I go (as a sign of my liberated manliness). I cannot think of any cause worth living for more worthy than that of following Jesus Christ. My most visited websites are noisetrade.com, jamendo.com, librivox.com and archive.org. I also like the etymology website: etymonline,com. I also frequent biblegateway.com, olivetree.com. I am never happier than when reading a book or listening to an audiobook.

So what's with the idiotic name?

This website is an attempt to meet the needs of my different roles as an Assistant Pastor, a family member, a friend and a youth leader.

This is the latest marker in my attempt to use online community to bolster actual community. I've tried blogging (for more information, see the BLOG tab at the top of this page) which was vaguely successful. I've tried an email update (which was more successful and is also called DANformation).

This website serves as a tool along with the Danformation email update which I will continue to send out. Instead of bombarding the recipients of the email with reams and reams of text, I plan to create links to this website, thus making the emails shorter and more tidy. You will not lose out information-wise, and this part of my job will be a bit more manageable.

So what's with the idiotic name? Well, my name's Dan. This is about information. Dan + information = DANformation. Also, as a Pastor, I care about your spiritual formation. So DAN + Formation = DANformation. I know. It's silly. But I guess it works.
Cheers, Dan