
Click play below to hear the song "What love" in it's entirety

There's a beggar in the Prince's throne
There's a child on the King's throne
There's a Saviour singing lullabies to orphaned ones

There's a blind man speaking of sight
He's pointing to a coming light
He's says there's an end tonight on the horizon

What love is this that calls the broken "chosen ones"?
What love is that kneels and whispers to the tired and alone?
Who is this that leaves me shaking and falling to my knees?
I hear His voice as I'm falling to sleep

There's a pure and faithful groom
Proposing to a prostitute
He says "Would you be my bride, beautiful?"

What love is this that calls the broken "chosen ones"?
What love is that kneels and whispers to the tired and alone?
Who is this that leaves me shaking and falling to my knees?
I hear His voice as I'm falling to sleep

It could only be You...

There's a pure and faithful groom
Proposing to a prostitute
He says "Would you be my bride, beautiful?"
There's something about the Riverside Worship Project that just gets me in a way that a lot of worship music just fails too. Channeling the soul of Nebraska-era Bruce Springsteen and John Mark McMillan (writer of "How He Loves"), RWP sound like a bunch of ragamuffins in love with a passionate God. At times coming across like Canada's "The Arcade Fire" and at other times just beginning to separate from the shadow of the Ragamuffin Band, there's one thing that cannot be argued - RWP have a burning passion for God, and lots of it. I love a band that's not afraid to shout, to sound raucous without apology and to just give it all. Not only that, but their fresh lyrics, their unique take on the entire concept of worship, and their live sound seems to somehow move me closer to God. I have a sneaking feeling these guys would be something special in a live setting. 
This album is just one of the MANY reasons why I think noisetrade.com is one of the best and most underrated resource for unsigned / under-the-radar music. 
Official website, click here
Facebook page, click here

Click on the art below to get hold of this fantastic album for free!
